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  • When Doves Cry

    “Santa, being a Mourning Dove is so depressing. I wish I could be a Turtledove for Christmas, at least I’d have a song, and not that Prince one about crying.”

  • Chestnuts, please.

    “Santa, do you roast chestnuts on an open fire? Can you bring me some? It’s getting cold and Jack Frost is nipping at my nose. Ok, well, have yourself a merry little Christmas!”

  • Santabird

    “It’s the holiday season
    So whoop de do and dickory dock”
    Santabird has arrived at the Bird Library!

  • Yawn

    Yawn! “You guys go ahead and Black Friday shop, I’ll stay here and nap.”

  • Odd Bird

    Another view of of our “Odd Bird.”
    Since we are a library and love all things Potter, we shall dub him Lil’ Hedwig.

  • Going South?

    “I got into this job to help birds discover the love of reading, but all they ever ask me is ‘Which way is South?”

  • Instruction Manual

    “Am I doing this right? I’m sitting on the chair. It feels wrong. Is there an instruction manual for this thing?”

  • Hair Raising

    I need to return this book, it scared me half to death. One little kitten, sure ok, scary. Two little kittens, pretty frightening. But three little kittens? Eeek, horrifying!

  • Dance Battle

    Think you have what it takes to challenge the Bird Library Dance Battle champion?
    Think again.

  • Back Off

    The Bird Library, now with piggyback rides!

  • Nap Queen

    Extreme napping – expert level: Miss Dove

  • Side Eye

    “You’re going to use a bookmark, right?
    You just lost your mind for a minute dog-earring that page, right? I thought so.”

  • Wet

    Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these birds from the swift completion of their appointed librarian duties.

  • Book Drop

    “Oh! When you said ‘Put them in the book drop,’ this wasn’t what you meant?”

  • Just breathe

    “Welcome to library yoga. Today we will focus on our inner bird. This is Dove pose. If this is too difficult just take a break, eat some bird seed, and breathe. Namaste.”

  • “Yes! We returned our library book on time, accessed the online catalog, used the Dewey Decimal System, and checked out a new book we can start reading tonight!
    Gimme five, we did it!”

  • Challenging

    “I finished my summer reading challenge 2 months early! I crushed it!”

  • Scaredy Cats

    “Ok kids, gather round, today we are having scary story time.”
    “Oooo, I hope it’s a really scary one.”
    “Today’s story is called The Cat in the Hat!”
    “Ahhh! That’s too scary!”

  • Well-Rounded

    Miss Dove enjoys reading books from many different genres. She is well-rounded.

  • Duck!

    “And it was coming straight for our heads, so I yelled ‘Duck!’ But it wasn’t, it was a Nuthatch. How embarrassing, a Nuthatch.”