• Thank a Librarian

    It’s National Library Month, and we can’t visit our favorite librarians! We miss you!
    Thank you for all you do when the library is open and closed!

  • Stay at Home Menu

    Stay at Home menu
    breakfast: oatmeal cookie
    lunch: ice cream sandwich
    dinner: 3 cheese casserole – cheesecake, cheese puffs, mac & cheese

  • Bird of the Year

    “Figures we get famous during a pandemic, and can’t be mobbed by fans.”
    @Time https://time.com/5812697/bird-library-livestream/

  • Growing Apart

    “You’ve been so socially distant lately. I think we may be growing apart.”
    “Can you move over a few more feet?”

  • Class Photo

    “Ok class, smile for the camera. Say, toilet paper.”
    “Toilet paper!”

  • Social Distancing

    Social Distancing
    …but I’m not even social.

  • I’m a librarian.

    “This is serious, we may soon be the only library still open. You are going to have to library like you’ve never libraried before! Can you handle it?”
    “I’m a librarian, I can handle anything.”

  • Mouth Sharing

    Mouth sharing, it’s for the birds.

  • Miniature Penguin

    The White-breasted Nuthatch, aka miniature Penguin.

  • A Tail of Romance

    “I’m looking for a tail of romance.”
    “Look somewhere else, my tail is a tale of tragedy if you don’t get lost!”

  • Doggy Due

    “Look me in the eye and say that again.”
    “No, really, my dog ate my book!”

  • “There you are! I sent you for seed hours ago.
    The kids won’t stop squawking. Have you been reading all day?”
    “I couldn’t help my self. I felt the need, the need to read.”

  • Surprise!

    “AAAAHHH! OMG, you made me spill my seed.”
    “That’s cause you didn’t seed me coming.”

  • Shhhh

    “The librarian is going to be very upset if she finds out you are vaping in here.”

  • Aw, man.

    “Aw, man. Black oil again?”

  • Nap Club

    “Welcome to the first Nap Club of the new year. Now remember, the first rule of Nap Club is no one talks about Nap Club. Let’s make this a good, clean nap.”

  • Libraries are shelters in a storm.
    First snow of the year, 2020

  • Resolution

    “I hope your New Year’s resolution was to return your library books on time because overdue library books are no way to start out the year.”

  • “Miss Dove, what’s your New Year’s resolution?”
    “To take more naps and read more books!”
    Happy New Year from the Bird Library!

  • Love Doves

    The Bird Library hopes you are having a wonderful holiday with all your Doved Ones.