All the Books
“We’ve been waiting in this line for hours, how many books are you asking for, Miss Dove?”
“All of them.”December 10, 2019 -
When Doves Cry
“Santa, being a Mourning Dove is so depressing. I wish I could be a Turtledove for Christmas, at least I’d have a song, and not that Prince one about crying.”
December 7, 2019 -
Chestnuts, please.
“Santa, do you roast chestnuts on an open fire? Can you bring me some? It’s getting cold and Jack Frost is nipping at my nose. Ok, well, have yourself a merry little Christmas!”
December 4, 2019 -
“It’s the holiday season
So whoop de do and dickory dock”
Santabird has arrived at the Bird Library!December 2, 2019 -
Odd Bird
Another view of of our “Odd Bird.”
Since we are a library and love all things Potter, we shall dub him Lil’ Hedwig.November 28, 2019 -
Going South?
“I got into this job to help birds discover the love of reading, but all they ever ask me is ‘Which way is South?”
October 24, 2019 -
Instruction Manual
“Am I doing this right? I’m sitting on the chair. It feels wrong. Is there an instruction manual for this thing?”
October 14, 2019 -
Hair Raising
I need to return this book, it scared me half to death. One little kitten, sure ok, scary. Two little kittens, pretty frightening. But three little kittens? Eeek, horrifying!
October 1, 2019 -
Dance Battle
Think you have what it takes to challenge the Bird Library Dance Battle champion?
Think again.September 28, 2019 -
Side Eye
“You’re going to use a bookmark, right?
You just lost your mind for a minute dog-earring that page, right? I thought so.”July 16, 2019 -
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these birds from the swift completion of their appointed librarian duties.
July 12, 2019 -
Book Drop
“Oh! When you said ‘Put them in the book drop,’ this wasn’t what you meant?”
July 11, 2019 -
Just breathe
“Welcome to library yoga. Today we will focus on our inner bird. This is Dove pose. If this is too difficult just take a break, eat some bird seed, and breathe. Namaste.”
July 9, 2019 -
Scaredy Cats
“Ok kids, gather round, today we are having scary story time.”
“Oooo, I hope it’s a really scary one.”
“Today’s story is called The Cat in the Hat!”
“Ahhh! That’s too scary!”June 29, 2019 -
Miss Dove enjoys reading books from many different genres. She is well-rounded.
June 27, 2019
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