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  • Heard That

    What do you call a group of Cowbirds checking out an audiobook?
    A heard!

  • Dude

    “What did the surfer ask the librarian?”
    “Is my book over dude?”

  • Prose Knows

    “Why are fiction writers better than poets?”
    “They’re prose.”

  • “Hey, why can’t a bird’s beak be 12 inches long?”
    “I don’t know, why?”
    “Because then it would be a foot!”
    “You know that J stands for juvenile, right?”
    “Yeah! That’s my favorite section!”

  • Quiet Peas

    “What is a librarian’s favorite vegetable?”
    “Quiet peas.”
    Happy National (Bird) Library Week!

  • Red

    “Knock, knock.”
    “Who’s there?”
    “Red who?”
    “Red any good books lately?”