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  • Just breathe

    “Welcome to library yoga. Today we will focus on our inner bird. This is Dove pose. If this is too difficult just take a break, eat some bird seed, and breathe. Namaste.”

  • Scaredy Cats

    “Ok kids, gather round, today we are having scary story time.”
    “Oooo, I hope it’s a really scary one.”
    “Today’s story is called The Cat in the Hat!”
    “Ahhh! That’s too scary!”

  • Well-Rounded

    Miss Dove enjoys reading books from many different genres. She is well-rounded.

  • Library Card

    “Just a second, I have it here somewhere. I know I put it in here. Where is that library card? Oh here it is, nope, that’s my parking ticket. Do you validate? Can I use this prescription card? It has my name on it.”

  • Bird Alert!

    Rare Bird Alert! We had a visit from the elusive and mysterious Cardove today.

  • Dirty Bird

    “Excuse me, there is a Robin, over there on the computer, that is looking at dirty pictures.”
    “How dirty are they?”
    “I just know that I saw mud and worms and I just couldn’t look anymore. They were very dirty.”

  • Patron Privacy

    “I’m trying out a new technique to assure patron privacy. If you don’t look at me and I don’t look at you, I can assist you without ever knowing who you are.”

  • I Wonder

    I wonder how many people are going to come to the reference desk today and ask me where the bathroom is?

  • Old Yeller

    Yelling at your librarian will get you nothing but stink eye.

  • Book or Treat

    “Can I have a snow cone?”
    “This isn’t the snack bar.”
    “But I wanted a treat.”
    “Oh we’ve got plenty of those, this is the library, come on in.”

  • Summer Reading

    Miss Dove is feeling a bit frazzled while planning this year’s summer reading program.

  • 792.8 – Tap Dance

    “Shuffle step, shuffle step, ball change, heel step, shuffle step, shuffle step…”

  • :O

    Watch out Miss Dove, someone’s trying to look up your “information.”

  • Fly, little bird

    “That is your new library card.”
    “What does it do?”
    “It can take you anywhere you’d like to go.”
    “Wow, I thought only my wings could do that!”

  • Snoozleupagus

    Insert Big Bird snoring sound effect. You know you know it.

  • “The library will close, I’ll lose my job, civilization will end!”
    “Pull yourself together, Miss Dove! E-books will never replace print. People hate e-books.
    Snap out of it!”

  • Dovey Dancing

    Now, I’ve had the time of my life and I owe it all to you…
    “Baby, are you ready for the lift?”
    “Last time I ended up in the corner, nobody puts Baby in the corner.”

  • “Excuse me, I have a question.”
    “Miss Dove, you are at the reference desk. You answer the questions, you don’t ask them.”
    “Can I leave the reference desk?”

  • Library Matter

    “Excuse me, is everything ok?”
    “Oh yes, we are just settling a library matter.”
    “Ok! I give up! DDC is better than LCCN.”

  • Miss Dove and Her Romeo

    Romeo: “Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.”
    Juliet: “Then have my lips the sin that they have took.”
    Romeo: “Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.”
    Juliet: “You kiss by the book.”
    ― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet