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  • Look Away

    Count Olaf, the Grackle, has returned but has not returned his library book. Muahahaha!

  • Flood and Fire

    “So let me make sure I understand what you are saying. Your library book fell in the toilet and to dry it out you held it over a candle and caught it on fire, and now you would like to return it?”

  • Starling contest

    “Starling contest! Go!”
    “Wait, don’t you mean staring contest?”
    “Nope. I’m a Starling and you just blinked. I win twice!”

  • OMG!

    Miss Dove volunteered to supervise the teen zone. She’s practicing her eye roll…to blend.

  • Library Life

    “If you want to grow up to be a librarian like me, you are going to have to learn a few things. You’ll need to fix the copy machine, printer, computer, tablets, 3-d printers, e-readers, and robots. You’ll need to perform puppet shows and wear costumes and funny hats. You’ll need to be able to do people’s taxes and help with applications and resumes. Have you been trained in CPR? You know your alphabet right? How about decimals?”
    “Can I just be a rocket scientist? Sounds easier.”

  • Romancing the Dove

    “Miss Dove?”
    “WHAT? I’m not doing anything.”
    “Um, I just had a question. Wait, are you reading romance novels?”
    “Maybe…How else will I know which ones to recommend?”
    “But aren’t you a children’s librarian?”
    “I’m working here!”

  • Easter Egg

    “Why did the Easter egg hide?”
    “I don’t know, why?”
    “He was a little chicken!”
    “You crack me up.”
    “Thanks, I’ve been sitting on that one.”

  • Miss Dove’s Inferno

    Miss Dove reenacts her favorite scene from Dante’s Inferno. Within the Third Circle, Gluttony, she narrowly escapes the grasp of Cerberus, the vicious 3 headed Starling beast.

  • Checkin’ Out

    Miss Dove, Saturday librarian, has ended her shift and is checkin’ out for a night on the town.

  • Fowl Weather

    “It’s raining ducks and chickens out there!”
    “Yeah. it’s pretty fowl.”

  • Lonesome Dove

    “Miss Dove, are you lonely?”
    “No, why?”
    “You’re always by your shelf.”

  • Quiet Peas

    “What is a librarian’s favorite vegetable?”
    “Quiet peas.”
    Happy National (Bird) Library Week!

  • Breakin’

    During breaks, Miss Doves practices her moonwalk.

  • Family Tree

    “I’m interested in genealogy. Can you help me find out more about my family tree, I think it was an Oak.”

  • 2B or not 2B

    “Why did Shakespeare always write in pen?
    Pencils confused him. 2B or not 2B?”

  • Thanks for a great Book Festival, now everyone follow Miss Dove’s example and nap!

  • Eat Well, Nap Often

    “Miss Dove, would you sign my copy of your book ‘Eat Well, Nap Often’? ”
    “Not right now. I’m busy eating and will then be busy napping.”
    “You inspire me!”

  • Spring?

    Is it Spring yet? Can I put away my heavy coat now?

  • Whodunit?

    “What we have here is a whodunit.”
    “Well, who done it?”
    “I don’t know, but this is a Red Cherring.”

  • Kondo-d

    “What do you mean you Marie Kondo’d the library?”
    “We had a lot of books. She said we only need 30 that bring us joy so I saved all the books about napping and eating.”