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  • Summer Reading

    “Pools closed, no summer camp, no bbqs, no summer concerts or festivals,
    but at least you can’t cancel summer reading!”

  • Lola

    “Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl
    With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there.”

  • Masks

    “Why do you think they are covering their faces?
    Are they hiding something? Are they growing beaks?
    What if they start eating the seed they give to us?”

  • Wash Your Hands

    “I couldn’t find my hands, so I just washed everything for 20 seconds.”

  • Is it Safe?

    “Do you think it’s safe? The humans might have touched it.”
    “But, I forgot how to find food, how did we do it before bird feeders?”

  • Stay at Home Menu

    Stay at Home menu
    breakfast: oatmeal cookie
    lunch: ice cream sandwich
    dinner: 3 cheese casserole – cheesecake, cheese puffs, mac & cheese

  • Growing Apart

    “You’ve been so socially distant lately. I think we may be growing apart.”
    “Can you move over a few more feet?”

  • Social Distancing

    Social Distancing
    …but I’m not even social.

  • A Tail of Romance

    “I’m looking for a tail of romance.”
    “Look somewhere else, my tail is a tale of tragedy if you don’t get lost!”

  • Nap Club

    “Welcome to the first Nap Club of the new year. Now remember, the first rule of Nap Club is no one talks about Nap Club. Let’s make this a good, clean nap.”

  • Resolution

    “I hope your New Year’s resolution was to return your library books on time because overdue library books are no way to start out the year.”

  • “Miss Dove, what’s your New Year’s resolution?”
    “To take more naps and read more books!”
    Happy New Year from the Bird Library!

  • All the Books

    “We’ve been waiting in this line for hours, how many books are you asking for, Miss Dove?”
    “All of them.”

  • When Doves Cry

    “Santa, being a Mourning Dove is so depressing. I wish I could be a Turtledove for Christmas, at least I’d have a song, and not that Prince one about crying.”

  • Yawn

    Yawn! “You guys go ahead and Black Friday shop, I’ll stay here and nap.”

  • Going South?

    “I got into this job to help birds discover the love of reading, but all they ever ask me is ‘Which way is South?”

  • Instruction Manual

    “Am I doing this right? I’m sitting on the chair. It feels wrong. Is there an instruction manual for this thing?”

  • Romancing the Dove

    “Miss Dove?”
    “WHAT? I’m not doing anything.”
    “Um, I just had a question. Wait, are you reading romance novels?”
    “Maybe…How else will I know which ones to recommend?”
    “But aren’t you a children’s librarian?”
    “I’m working here!”

  • Easter Egg

    “Why did the Easter egg hide?”
    “I don’t know, why?”
    “He was a little chicken!”
    “You crack me up.”
    “Thanks, I’ve been sitting on that one.”

  • Miss Dove’s Inferno

    Miss Dove reenacts her favorite scene from Dante’s Inferno. Within the Third Circle, Gluttony, she narrowly escapes the grasp of Cerberus, the vicious 3 headed Starling beast.